Deaf History and Culture
Some Thoughts from a Deaf Ministry Student:
Deacon Gene's notes from a directed study with Rev. Dr. Thomas Hudspeth
Go'el to the Deaf, part 1
Go'el to the Deaf, part 2
Alexander Graham Bell
Deaf African-Americans
Deaf Liberation Theology
The Silent Herald
, digital archive of the newspaper of the Chicago Mission for the Deaf where Philip and Georgianna Hasenstab served
Edwards, R. A. R.,
Words Made Flesh: Nineteenth-Century Deaf Education and the Growth of Deaf Culture
, review
Portolano, Mariana,
Be Opened! The Catholic Church and Deaf Culture
, review
Deaf Population
Gallaudet University
: U.S., other countries, DeafBlind, employment, Social Security
World Health Organization
: Deafness and Hearing Loss