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To join or renew membership in UMCD, please complete the membership form Becoming a member of the Congress of the Deaf will place you as part of a group that is working to bring the Gospel to Deaf people throughout the world. You will also receive our newsletter and be able to join in fellowship events. The UMCD is a recognized United Methodist Caucus—a group of persons who have joined together to promote policies and positions appropriate to the concerns of the group, and who jointly act to advocate for that group and to influence larger entities to respond to their requests and respond to their issues. In The United Methodist Church, a number of caucuses have been formed both denomination-wide and in the Annual Conference. The United Methodist Congress of the Deaf provides
Support Us Contributions are always welcome, and there are other ways to help. One is to use the United Methodist Market. By registering as a member of UMCD and shopping here, you cn direct a portion of the price to UMCD.