Signs of Change
Fall 2008 Newsletter
Greetings from UMCD
President’s Report Tour plans for August 2 - attend church services at During our UMCD Global conference, we will visit the
Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), which is not far from the Kwanglim Seminar House. We
will do this on Tuesday, August 4. People who do not have a credit card may want to
reserve their airline tickets through Tzell. Tzell will contact you directly
and give you an airfare quote - you decide if you want to accept this quote or
not. If you accept, you must immediately send your airfare money to Deaf
Interfaith. Deaf Interfaith will then pay Tzell. With oil prices dropping lately, it is possible that
airfare prices may come down. Please check the internet for airfare prices
from time to time, and you may decide which airline gives you the better deal.
Also, it strongly recommended that you purchase flight insurance for possible
cancellations due to illness, etc. And one very important item - be sure to
have a (current) passport! So far, more than 35 people have either registered
and paid deposit or are considering going to I'm sure that you don't want to miss this trip!!! Fund-Raising
for If you need ideas on how to raise money for your
trip, fund-raising ideas can be found on our UMCD website www.UMCD.org.
It gives you a lot of ideas of raising funds to go to Have You
Sign Up with UMCD’s Group Email Service? You are welcome to join UMCD or renew your membership
or to make a donation. Please complete the form at the end of the newsletter
and send your dues and/or donations to our treasurer, Rev. Tom Hudspeth. Thank
you! This issue only has news from the NEJ and SCJ. If you
have news concerning your church, your annual conference, past events, coming
events, pictures, etc., please share them with UMCD members and send your news
items to Mary Jane, our UMCD Newsletter editor at dmj730@comcast.net
for our next UMCD Newsletter. We want to hear from you!. Thank you. The Holidays will be coming fast. Please remember to
always give thanks for what we have. Blessings and Peace, Dan Kenyon Electing a Bishop
By Rev. Leo Yates, Jr. On July 17th, the life of Rev. Dr. Peggy
A. Johnson changed forever. Not
only was her life changed, but the life of the denomination changed when the
delegates at the Northeastern Jurisdiction Conference in Johnson’s call to ministry evolved when her life
was touched by the language of deaf people. After seeing a deaf choir perform,
it ignited her passion to enter into deaf ministry. Her passion was influenced
by Rev. Leroy Schauer and other colleagues in deaf ministry. She came to be
the pastor at Her last worship service at Bishop Johnson now serves two annual conferences.
Literally, on the back door of the Baltimore-Washington Conference. Johnson is
the Episcopal leader (bishop) of the Peninsula-Delaware and the Eastern
Pennsylvania Conferences.
Walking in the
Steps of a Bishop At the Northeastern Jurisdiction Conference (NEJ) in The pastor replacing Bishop Johnson at When asked, Yates admits he has some big shoes to
fill. “The members of He expressed, “How does one step into Peggy’s
shoes? By being organized, with
humility, by remembering that many are grieving and need this time to adjust,
and most importantly, with lots of prayer.”
His immediate goals: To just be present with the
people, to ensure they know that he cares for them and that the church is
there for them. For Rev. Yates,
one of his concerns is the continued inclusion of the Deaf group-home people
who are made up of mentally ill, developmentally disabled, and/or other adults
with personal challenges. Yates
states this is where you will find Christ. Walking in the steps of a bishop makes it easier,
because the road has been traveled. He is following the path that has been
made by others who went before him. Ephphatha! By Rev. Joo Kang I have been working at I was shocked, however, to learn that
there is a tendency among them to regard Jesus Christ as audist who regards
hearing preferable to deaf and therefore reject him as anti-deaf. In other
words, Jesus Christ was not popular among them. Even some students complained
that Jesus should not have cured deafness as found in the chapter 7 of Mark. I
heard that there was once a movement at It is not hard to understand their logic.
If we carefully read the narrative of Jesus’ healing of a deaf man as shown
in Mark 7, we will immediately construe that “Ephphatha”
has something to do with opening the ears and mouth. It makes sense to
interpret the Aramaic word, “Ephphatha” which means Be opened as opening
the deaf man’s ears and mouth so that he might be able to hear and speak as
hearing people. I, however, don’t like to take a myopic
outlook. There is no subject or object of the word “Ephphatha” to be sure.
Jesus did not mention about the object or subject of “Be opened.” He did
not say, “Let the ears and mouth
be opened.” He simply said,
“Be opened!” Of course, it would be reasonable to infer that the subject
of the word, “Ephphatha” should be the ears and mouth of the deaf man from
the context of the narrative of the deaf man’s healing. But again, there is
no mention about the subject of, “Be opened!”
What does it mean? It means that we can widen the subject of “Ephphatha”
to more than just ears and mouth. It would be no mistake to conclude that
Jesus wanted to open not only the ears and mouth, but also the doors of many
opportunities that had been tightly shut to deaf people. He wanted to open
educational, vocational, and linguistic opportunities for us. We must thank
Jesus for opening great opportunities for us because he has commanded in a
firm tone to be opened (Ephphatha) for the sake of the deaf man. There is much historical evidence that
Christianity has been the forerunner of deaf education in the world. It is
Christianity that has been actively recognizing the inherent value of deaf
people as created in the image of God. It is Christianity that has been very
active in spreading the gospel among deaf people. Only Christianity has been
proud to produce a large number of deaf clergy. I have not heard of any deaf
Buddhist or Muslim clergy members. We should be grateful to have Jesus Christ
as our Lord. Certainly, he is the Son of the living God and our Savior. He is
the Real Friend to deaf people! “He looked up to heaven and with a deep sigh said to him, “Ephphatha!” (which means, “Be opened!”) (Mark 7:34)
Carol Stevens leaving
By Mary Jane Kenyon Carol Stevens is a member of Christ UMC of the Deaf, On Saturday, October 11, 2008, we attended the
meeting at If you want to contact Carol Stevens, her email
address is carolstevens100@hotmail.com
SCJ Retreat/Gathering
By Karen Harrell We had a wonderful retreat and it was held at The speaker and workshop
host was Chad Entinger of Deaf Missions Council Bluff, Our next SCJ Gathering will
be held in
Executive Officers President: Dan Kenyon Vice-President: Rev. Joo Kang Secretary: Pat Lancet Treasurer:
Rev. Tom Hudspeth
Jurisdiction Presidents NCJ Vice-President: Rev. Elke Sharma NEJ President: Darlene Koontz SCJ President: Karen Harrell SEJ President: Toni Parrish WJ President: Candis Shannon Int’l. Conf. President: Vacant Committee Chairs Archives and History - Francine Kenyon Church Promotion Deaf Ministries - Karen
Harrell Church Promotion of Late-Deafened and Hard of
Hearing - Rev. Elke Sharma Communications Technology - Rev. Rick
Springer Interpreter Committee - Michelle Menefee Membership Roster - Rev. Bob Vaughn Youth Ministry - Carmela Kenyon
Other Officers
Newsletter Editor:
MaryJane Kenyon
UMCD established the Endowment Fund for the
purpose of encouraging local churches to develop new ministries with those who
are Deaf, Hard of Hearing, Late Deafened or Deaf-Blind. Your donation to the Endowment is a sign of support and challenge to United Methodists. If you did not attend the 2007 UMCD conference and want to renew your membership or if you want to join UMCD, you may use the form below. Please send your tax-deductible UMCD Membership and/or Endowment Fund donation to the address below. Many thanks!! Help the Endowment
Fund Grow! _______________________________________________________________________ UMCD Membership and
Donations Name: ______________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ Telephone: ________________________
Voice/TTY (Circle which applicable) $ _________ UMCD Dues ($10.00 per year or $20 for 2 years) $ _________ Donation to Endowment Fund $ _________ Donation for _________________ $ _________ Total Enclosed Make your check payable to UMCD, memo
“Membership” and/or “Endowment Fund” Mail To: Tom Hudspeth, Treasurer Lovers Lane UMC 9200 Inwood Rd.