logo: The World Federation of Deaf Methodists, Offering Signs of Christ for, with and by the Deaf

The Power of Prayer, December 2018

a poster, Methodist Church of Ghana, the Power of Prayer, December 22-23, 2018, four speakers, a note that sign interpreters will be there.

New Deaf Ministry in Western Ghana: September 2017

I would like to inform you that a new branch of the Deaf ministry in Ghana has been established at Sefwi Wiaso in the western region of Ghana. They now have church service under trees with few chairs and tables. We are now looking for a classroom where we can have the church service.

I need your prayers and support for this branch of the Deaf ministry to stand. Deaf peoples in the Sefwi Wiaso also need the word of God and they have several times called for the establishment of one branch in the region where they can also worship our Lord Jesus Christ.

Deaf people at Sefwi Wiaso are organized and are led by Elvis Nyamekye with whom I started the Bible translation training at DOOR in Kenya. Unfortunately, he only attended the course for one year and could not continue because of some circumstances (he is the one in white shirt in the group photo).

We need your prayers and support for this branch of the Deaf ministry to stand. Thank you and God bless you. Attached are some photos of members of the new established branch of the Deaf Ministry at Sefwi Wiaso.

Ev.Collins Prempeh Deaf Ministry

group of poeple sitting on plastic lawn chairs, under a tree, in a circle. most

Ministry in Ghana

The 4th Global Methodist Missions Conference of the Deaf was August 1-4, 2017, at Lakeview Camp, Waxahachie TX, hosted by Lovers Lane UMC, Dallas TX. These photos are from Collins Prempeh after he attended the conference.

people sitting at desks in a room. people standing outside a building, they are signing I Love You; the building is marked Tepa Wesley Meth J.H.S. and has a design undernearth with a cross.
a larger group, also signing, standing outside the same building