Committee Members
PowerPoint Presentation about the Committee
The United Methodist Committee on Ministries with Deaf, Late-Deafened, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf-Blind People (formerly the National Committee on Deaf Ministries) was established as a mission initiative by the 1992 General Conference. The committee affirms -- as a foundational Christian belief -- that the ministry of God's people should be experienced without barriers. Committed
to an inclusive Gospel, the Committee is helping the United Methodist Church to reach out to persons who are Deaf, deafened, hard-of-hearing or deaf-blind, using the most effective mode of communication, whether it be sign language and/or oral interpreting, and/or assistive technologies such as assistive listening devices or computer-assisted text translation.
The United Methodist Committee is different from the United Methodist Congress of the Deaf and was originally created by members of UMCD. Thanks to a strong and concerted effort by UMCD members, the United Methodist Committee is recognized and funded by the United Methodist Church through the General Board of Global Ministries. The United Methodist Congress of the Deaf remains an independent organization focused on increasing Christian leadership and discipleship within the Deaf, signing community. UMCD holds conferences biennially and recently held its first international conference in Baltimore, Washington with attendees from several countries. Jurisdictional area chapters hold local conferences on the years in between the larger UMCD conferences. The United Methodist Committee is working with both individuals and the larger church to help churches learn how to be in solidarity with persons who are deaf, late-deafened, hard of hearing and deaf-blind. Good communication, both attitudinal, functional and technological, is a prerequisite for a church to fully open its doors to people who are deaf, have hearing loss, or are deaf-blind. Contributions to the Advance Fund #982562 provide opportunities that empower individuals for mission and ministry. The United Methodist Committee’s publication Signs of Solidarityprovides much needed information to churches on how to enrich their ministries by including deaf, late-deafened, hard of hearing and deaf-blind and how to foster Deaf churches and ministry as well. --- Candis Shannon The United Methodist
Committee on Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministries (DHM)
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Committee on Deaf and Hard of Hearing Ministries Rev. Sam Carpenter, Vice-President, South Central Jurisdiction, Hard of hearing local pastor working in Deaf ministry Rev. Elke Sharma, Secretary, North Central Jurisdiction, Deaf Rev. Nancy Hale, Grants Chairperson, North Eastern Jurisdiction, Hard-of-hearing Trevor Swearingen, South Central Jurisdiction, Deaf Rev. Rebecca Kelly, North Eastern Jurisdiction, Hearing pastor in deaf ministry Rev. Diana Williams, Western Jurisdiction, Hearing pastor in deaf ministry Barbara Reynolds, South Eastern Jurisdiction, Deaf Jeff Burns, Western Jurisdiction, Deaf Carol Rieke, GBGM Board Representative, Hard of Hearing Dr. Rick Gentzler, Board of Discipleship Staff Representative, Hard of Hearing Rev. Wineva Hankamer, Coordinator, Hard of Hearing Back to the TopMardy
Walker Assistive Listening System Available for Loan
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